David Nawrocki B.A.

  • Director of Information Systems
David Nawrocki

I manage the Information Systems (IS) team, oversee IS infrastructure, and align Woodwell Climate’s technology with our strategic goals. My focus is to ensure system reliability, security, and efficiency, while also planning for future IS needs.

My expertise is in IS management, networking, and infrastructure. Leveraging 19 years of IS experience, including a decade in leadership, I manage a robust, secure, and highly available IS environment for Woodwell Climate. I am also committed to fostering the professional growth of the IS team through strategic mentoring and training initiatives.

The IS team and I provide the high-quality infrastructure necessary to manage, analyze, and share the data that drive Woodwell Climate’s research. We maintain and protect the systems that enable seamless communication and collaboration among the Center’s researchers, partners, staff, leadership, and policymakers. I am deeply motivated by Woodwell’s mission and find it professionally fulfilling to contribute to an organization whose values resonate so strongly with my own.

Outside of work, I’m a dedicated father and husband with a love for the outdoors. My family and I enjoy spending time outside at our home in Rhode Island, and going on camping trips whenever possible. I’m also a longtime motorcycle enthusiast and men’s softball player.