Colleen Partida B.S.

  • Research Assistant
Colleen Smith
Research area Contact

I study soil across landscapes and differing land management. My work focuses on the use of spectroscopy and spectral analysis to estimate soil properties. In my role as a research assistant, I work across several different projects in the soil carbon lab group, including work examining the use of handheld infrared spectrophotometers and other methods of low-cost high-throughput spectroscopy.

I earned my B.S. in forestry with an emphasis in soil science and a minor in geospatial analysis from Humboldt State University. I have participated in both the Basic Environmental Soil Science Training program at North Carolina State University and the Harvard Forest Summer Research Program in Ecology.

Understanding soil characteristics is vital to assessing the health of an ecosystem, and I am passionate about making soil science inclusive and accessible to the public.

I enjoy plant identification and foraging, hiking, and crafting in my free time.

Selected Publications

Application of a handheld near infrared spectrophotometer to farm-scale soil carbon monitoring

Sanderman, J., C. Partida, J.L. Safanelli, K. Shepherd, Y. Ge, S.M. Mitu, & R. Ferguson (2025). European Journal of Soil Science.


Building a near-infrared (NIR) soil spectral dataset and predictive machine learning models using a handheld NIR spectrophotometer

Partida, C., J.L. Safanelli, S.M. Mitu, M.O.F. Murad, Y. Ge, R. Ferguson, K. Shepherd, & J. Sanderman (2024). Data in Brief.


Diffuse reflectance mid-infrared spectroscopy is viable without fine milling

Sanderman, J., C. Smith, J.L. Safanelli, et al. (2023). Soil Security.
