Andrea Norton M.S.

  • Research Assistant
Andrea Norton
Research area Contact

I am deeply involved with the Evolving Meta-Ecosystems Institute (EVOME), which is investigating how components of a riparian ecosystem and riparian ecosystems as a whole respond to a changing climate. I spend my summers in the Alaskan Arctic coordinating and assisting with the many different experimental and investigative aspects of this interdisciplinary institute; from sampling water for nutrient analyses to collecting beetles for genetic sequencing.

Prior to working at Woodwell Climate, I completed my master’s degree thesis on plastic pollution in urban lakes in Texas and assisted with stream foodweb research in New Mexico. My love for freshwater began in my undergraduate years, where I assisted the limnology lab with nitrogen cycling studies in local Lake Superior tributaries. I became enchanted by the complex invisible world of nutrient cycling behind the functions and interconnections of riparian ecosystems. All of my work is motivated by a love for outdoor spaces, particularly freshwater ones, and the knowledge that human impacts are damaging the health of these ecosystems.

I live in New Bedford, MA, but often spend time in Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin getting my feet wet. I am particularly fond of the Laurentian Great Lakes. When I am not working, I can be found hiking, cooking, or reading with my cats.

Selected Publications