Andréa D. de Almeida Castanho Ph.D.

  • Research Scientist
Andrea de Castano

I am an environmental physicist interested in understanding the human impacts on the coupled biosphere-atmosphere system in tropical forests. My research is focused on the calibration, validation, and application of numerical models, remote sensing, and field data to better characterize interactions between deforestation and climate in tropical forests.

I have been a scientist at Woodwell Climate for the last eight years. Previously, I held postdoctoral fellowships at the Federal University of Ceará (Brazil), Woodwell Climate Research Center, and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where I focused on understanding and characterizing the impact of extreme climatic events in Humid Tropical Forest and Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest. In previous work, I developed and applied remote sensing techniques to measure atmospheric aerosol pollution over megacities such as Mexico City and São Paulo.

I​ hold a master’s and Ph.D. in environmental physics from the University of São Paulo.

Selected Publications

Annual emissions of carbon from land use, land-use change, and forestry from 1850 to 2020

Houghton, R.A., & A. Castanho (2023). Earth System Science Data.


Potential shifts in the aboveground biomass and physiognomy of a seasonally dry tropical forest in a changing climate

Castanho A. D. A., M. T. Coe, P. Brando, M. N. Macedo, A. Baccini, W. Walker, and E. M. de Andrade (2020). Environmental Research Letters.


A close look at above ground biomass of a large and heterogeneous Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest - Caatinga in North East of Brazil

Castanho, A. D. A., M. Coe, E. M. Andrade, W. Walker, A. Baccini, D. A. Campos, and M. Farina (2020). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências.
